Tuesday, September 1, 2009

New Month, New Goals!

Well, I went away on trip for the last month and did not do any posts...
So here is what has happened on my journey for the last month!
We traveled to TO through the US...I had such great goals of losing weight on our trip...that did not happen! We both gained 2 pounds! I am glad it was only 2 pounds...but would like to see some good results for all my efforts!

We purchased a Wii and Wii Active (and Wii Fit, but I need to lose weight in order to use that one!) on June 1, 2009 and have used it almost every night since then (except for when we were away on the trip...maybe that has something to do with the 2 pound weight gain...??) Wii Active is sooo addictive! My hubby lost 15 pounds on it so far (but gained 2 back...) while I lost 5 pounds and gained 2 back!...very slow journey!

My goal is to take a picture of everything that I eat so that I can remind myself to eat healthy! We just got a new camera and I am going to start that one first thing tomorrow morning!

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